How would you like to wander with an eight foot long insect?
Scientists have discovered the world's oldest known insect fossil that roamed about 400 million years ago. They actually discovered a set of minuscule jaws. It's almost certain that insects were the first to come to the land and ruled for several million years.
It seems obvious that the insects were flightless at first.
I must say that this discovery is one of the most exciting news!
For further reading, click on the link below.
Oldest Known Insect Identified From 400-Million-Year-Old Jaws
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Yahoo News : Earth's Moon is Rare Oddball
There is an article that I really like - Earth's Moon is Rare OddBall. Our moon was formed right after a huge planetary collsion with young Earth about 4 billion years ago. Guess what? Only about one in year 10 to 20 solar systems may have a similiar moon. Does that mean that there are about 5 to 10 percent of planetary systems that have that kind of moon? You do the math.
Here's the quote that I copied from the article :
"When a moon forms from a violent collision, dust should be blasted everywhere," said Nadya Gorlova, an astronomer at the University of Florida in Gainesville who analyzed the telescope data in a new study. "If there were lots of moons forming, we would have seen dust around lots of stars. But we didn't."
What do you think???
For further reading, click on the link below.
Earth's Moon is Rare Oddball
Here's the quote that I copied from the article :
"When a moon forms from a violent collision, dust should be blasted everywhere," said Nadya Gorlova, an astronomer at the University of Florida in Gainesville who analyzed the telescope data in a new study. "If there were lots of moons forming, we would have seen dust around lots of stars. But we didn't."
What do you think???
For further reading, click on the link below.
Earth's Moon is Rare Oddball
Yahoo : What Space Telescopes of Tomorrow Will See
Even though the telescopes may not be able to take a close look at planets and stars that are light years away, the new device will be an useful instrument to understand galaxy formation and mysterious quasars. It would be great if we can learn more about the history of our own vast, indefinite universe. I shall find out in 10 years from now and I look forward to some exciting discoveries! For further reading, click on the link below.
What Space Telescopes of Tomorrow Will See
What Space Telescopes of Tomorrow Will See
NYT : Scientists Bypass Need for Embryo to Get Stem Cells
Recently, two teams of scientists reported that they have figured out how to turn skin cells into embryonic stem cells without having to make or destroy an embryo. This could be good news because this could ease down the ethical debate, especially with these groups who are against creating or destroying embryos. Bush seems to take the news very well. However, I think that this has detoured the scientific advancement for some years but I am pleased that the scientists have finally made the progress. For further reading, click on the link below.
Scientists Bypass Need for Embryo to Get Stem Cells
Scientists Bypass Need for Embryo to Get Stem Cells
Monday, November 5, 2007
China's Lunar Probe Is Visiting the Moon
It's about time. China's lunar probe entered moon's orbit. In 2003, they became the third country to send the rocket into space. If everything goes as planned, they would send men to the moon within 15 years and possibly to Mars. It would be a great accomplishment for them. Will this start another space race? We will see! I don't think that it's that important for the United States to return to the moon until they have meet many other goals. For further reading, click on the link below :
China's lunar probe enters moon's orbit
China's lunar probe enters moon's orbit
Watch out! Robots will drive better than us!
Even though rebotic vehicles are under testing today, they are yet ready to be used in the public today. We could see robotic vehicles becoming available in about 10 years from now. The robots are still too human but will be much better drivers than us in several years from now. We are getting closer to this point. For further reading, click on the link below.
Crashes and Traffic Jams in Military Test of Robotic Vehicles
Crashes and Traffic Jams in Military Test of Robotic Vehicles
Monday, October 29, 2007
Is dark matter purely science fiction? You tell me!
Now, two Canadian scientists think there is a good reason dark matter doesn't exist at all. No one has come up with a strong evidence that it exists.
Since I have yet seen one, I have no knowledge whether it exists. The universe has a lot of strange things. Scientists have yet understood many factors, especially with the Big Bang theory and how long the universe will continue to expand, possibly eternity.
Will we ever be around to determine whether the dark matter theory is valid or not? I doubt it but we will see! For further reading, click on the link below.
Scientists Say Dark Matter Doesn't Exist
Since I have yet seen one, I have no knowledge whether it exists. The universe has a lot of strange things. Scientists have yet understood many factors, especially with the Big Bang theory and how long the universe will continue to expand, possibly eternity.
Will we ever be around to determine whether the dark matter theory is valid or not? I doubt it but we will see! For further reading, click on the link below.
Scientists Say Dark Matter Doesn't Exist
Friday, October 26, 2007
Bush : "Global Warming what?"

Why does the White House want to edit the climate change testimony? Do they know that they are keeping us out of sight? Don't they want us to know the truth about global warming? Has Bush been doing this because he's skeptical about science?
For further reading, click on the link below:
Climate Change Testimony Was Edited by White House
Please note that the image was from The New York Times web site.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Invention of the Light Bulb
I'm currently reading The Wizard of Menlo Park, a biography of Thomas Alva Edison. I was astonished to see different type of filaments that were used during the experiments. The carbon filament included "cotton and linen thread, wood splints, papes. Edison's team later discovered a carbonized bamboo filament that could last over 1200 hours.
The inscandescent light bulb was invented in 1840 by British scientist Warren de la Rue. That time, electric light bulb was not invented. Edison was not born until February 11, 1947 and didn't start to experiment with the electric light bulb until around 1879. The successful experiment was on October 22, 1879.
The electric light bulb didn't become common for homes until 1920's.
I'm enjoying the book tremendously.
The inscandescent light bulb was invented in 1840 by British scientist Warren de la Rue. That time, electric light bulb was not invented. Edison was not born until February 11, 1947 and didn't start to experiment with the electric light bulb until around 1879. The successful experiment was on October 22, 1879.
The electric light bulb didn't become common for homes until 1920's.
I'm enjoying the book tremendously.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
My view about life from other planets
I'm responding to Jacob Haqq-Milsra's question.
Jacob Haqq-Misra said...
I'm curious as to why you think the evolution of what we call intelligence is uncommon (if in fact this is what you mean)?
Of course, we cannot say anything for certain at this point, but I am inclined to think given the vast number of galaxies in the universe (100 billion) this type of complex life (however we define it) is probably present in some other galaxy--if not our own.
I do agree with you that there is a vast number of galaxies in the universe. I'm not ruling out any life on other planets.
I have read a few books about history of evolution. As you know, our planet started with very simple life about 2 billion years ago. The life didn't start to become complex until more than 550 million years. I'm inclined to support the Cambrian explosion theory. Before us, there were many millions of species and they didn't have intelligence that is similiar to ours.
When the apes started to evolve in Africa, they didn't have to compete that much. Africa was just an island. They had an advantage for some time. We can say that isolation has helped them. I am pretty sure that there are other species roaming in Africa during that time.
If there are species living on other worlds that have successfully become complex, they are likely to compete for food. It doesn't require any intelligence to do that. What's the odd of species becoming isolated from deadly predators? In my own opinion, it's pretty slim. Can species become lucky by developing hands that are more sophisticated? Can their brains get bigger and complex enough to bring them to the same level as ours, or even better?
The way I see, the process of evolution has to do with climate, sexual selection, geography, competition, and luck. Yes, I have to say that we are lucky that we are here today. It's like winning a lottery.
If we have to start all over again by going back to 2 billion years ago, will the apes ever emerge? I'm doubtful but I could be wrong. I will never know for sure.
One last thing, I wouldn't rule out any life out there that has intelligence like ours. If we ever find out by establishing communication with them or even meet them, I would be surprised and jubilant.
I'm open for any debate.m>
Jacob Haqq-Misra said...
I'm curious as to why you think the evolution of what we call intelligence is uncommon (if in fact this is what you mean)?
Of course, we cannot say anything for certain at this point, but I am inclined to think given the vast number of galaxies in the universe (100 billion) this type of complex life (however we define it) is probably present in some other galaxy--if not our own.
I do agree with you that there is a vast number of galaxies in the universe. I'm not ruling out any life on other planets.
I have read a few books about history of evolution. As you know, our planet started with very simple life about 2 billion years ago. The life didn't start to become complex until more than 550 million years. I'm inclined to support the Cambrian explosion theory. Before us, there were many millions of species and they didn't have intelligence that is similiar to ours.
When the apes started to evolve in Africa, they didn't have to compete that much. Africa was just an island. They had an advantage for some time. We can say that isolation has helped them. I am pretty sure that there are other species roaming in Africa during that time.
If there are species living on other worlds that have successfully become complex, they are likely to compete for food. It doesn't require any intelligence to do that. What's the odd of species becoming isolated from deadly predators? In my own opinion, it's pretty slim. Can species become lucky by developing hands that are more sophisticated? Can their brains get bigger and complex enough to bring them to the same level as ours, or even better?
The way I see, the process of evolution has to do with climate, sexual selection, geography, competition, and luck. Yes, I have to say that we are lucky that we are here today. It's like winning a lottery.
If we have to start all over again by going back to 2 billion years ago, will the apes ever emerge? I'm doubtful but I could be wrong. I will never know for sure.
One last thing, I wouldn't rule out any life out there that has intelligence like ours. If we ever find out by establishing communication with them or even meet them, I would be surprised and jubilant.
I'm open for any debate.m>
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What did early humans like to do?
Something grabbed my attention during my busy period. The scientists have found some evidence that early humans were a bit sophisticated than previously thought. During the glacial period from 125,000 to 195,000 years, the early humans have cooked mussels and other shellfish, especially with mussels. They also used red pigment, probably as body paint. The evidence was discovered in a cave in South Africa. For one thing, I'm pretty certain that they loved to try different things when they discovered something extraordinary. So, they had to put the paint on their skin. We have to keep in our mind that they had more freedom to do things. On other hand, did they have language? We may not know for sure. For further reading click on the link below.
For early humans, a beach party and clam bake
For early humans, a beach party and clam bake
Saturday, October 13, 2007
NYT : Stretching the Search for Signs of Life
I have to write a brief summary about the article that I read from The New York Times. They are trying to build some sites that can increase the capacity of searching for signs of life. The new Allen Telescope Array will allow them to search over a million stars within 2 decades.
Let me tell you my opinion. Is there any advanced civilizations on other planets in this galaxy and other galaxies? I don't personally think so. I think that there is a good chance that there are numerous of planets with living things that can swim or crawl. It's difficult for the living species to become complex through evolutionary process. I think that we are only one kind.
But, it cannot hurt to search for the sign of life. If there are advanced civilizations out there then they may have been observing us. I think that is extremely unlikely.
For further reading, click on the link below.
Stretching the Search for Signs of Life
Let me tell you my opinion. Is there any advanced civilizations on other planets in this galaxy and other galaxies? I don't personally think so. I think that there is a good chance that there are numerous of planets with living things that can swim or crawl. It's difficult for the living species to become complex through evolutionary process. I think that we are only one kind.
But, it cannot hurt to search for the sign of life. If there are advanced civilizations out there then they may have been observing us. I think that is extremely unlikely.
For further reading, click on the link below.
Stretching the Search for Signs of Life
Congratulations to Al Gore & the UN Climate Panel!!
In fact, I was very pleased that Al Gore and the United Nation climate panel won the Noble Peace Prize for Climate Chinage Work. I have tremendous respect for them. Even though Al Gore appears uninterested in running for 2008, I think that his presence is vital even though the global warming is inevitable. Not many people actually understand what the global warming is.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Three Nobel Prize Winners
Today, my father sent me an e-mail to my Blackberry. He urged me to read an article about three scients who won the 2007 Noble Prize in medicine yesterday. I finally fired up my computer and went to The New York Times and found this article.
The winners are Mario R. Capecchi, 70, Oliver Smithies, 82, and Sir Martin J. Evans, 66, of Cardiff University in Wales.
They have developed the knockout technique that allowed researchers to use tool to find out what gene does, especially with the mice. They can observe what can happen to the mice.
The article also covered a brief biography of each scientist. Congratulations to them!!
The winners are Mario R. Capecchi, 70, Oliver Smithies, 82, and Sir Martin J. Evans, 66, of Cardiff University in Wales.
They have developed the knockout technique that allowed researchers to use tool to find out what gene does, especially with the mice. They can observe what can happen to the mice.
The article also covered a brief biography of each scientist. Congratulations to them!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
NYT : Hillary on Science
Mrs. Clinton has said that she would sheild science from politics. As matter of fact, I am quite pleased with her speech. She supports evolution. That's one of the most important thing. She feels that it's more important to focus on gloabl warming than sending humans to the Moon and to Mars. Frankly, I agree with her. The funds need to be used to help the world. We already sent men to the Moon. If Russia or China wants to go to Mars first, let them do that. Finally, she wants to ensure that there are funds available for stem cell research.
I want to see what other candidates have to address on science.
If you wish to keep reading the New York Times article, click on the link below.
Clinton Says She Would Shield Science From Politics
I want to see what other candidates have to address on science.
If you wish to keep reading the New York Times article, click on the link below.
Clinton Says She Would Shield Science From Politics
Thursday, October 4, 2007
NYT : Texas Man Linked to Past and Future of Space Exploration by Sputnik and Soyuz
I have found another interesting article about Richard Garriott, a key figure in the video game industry. I'm not going to discuss about the video game here -- my passion in video games has faded away years ago. Something has caught my attention. He is a collector of space memorabilia. He has an authentic version of Spuntik in which he paid for less than $15,000. He even has a Lunakhod 2 rover and a Russian space suit. After looking at the slideshow, I was awed with his collections. You can view the multimedia by visitinghere.
If you wish to read the New York Times article, click on the link below. Enjoy!
Texas Man Linked to Past and Future of Space Exploration by Sputnik and Soyuz
If you wish to read the New York Times article, click on the link below. Enjoy!
Texas Man Linked to Past and Future of Space Exploration by Sputnik and Soyuz
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
NYT : Proving That Seeing Shouldn’t Always Be Believing
I'm posting the second entry today. There is an interesting in the New York Times about fake photographs. The number of fake photographs have grown significantly, thanks to digital camera, PC< and Photoshop. Hany Farid is an expert in identify fake photographs by using computer and mathematical techniques. There are some tricks such as lighting and size. The article covers an interview with Mr. Farid. It's worth reading. It tells me that I have to be careful on what I believe!
For further reading, click on the link below.
Proving That Seeing Shouldn’t Always Be Believing
For further reading, click on the link below.
Proving That Seeing Shouldn’t Always Be Believing
NYT : Arctic Melt Unnerves the Experts
Last Tuesday, the New York Times published an article about Arctic Melt. The evidence is growing rapidly that the ice is melting. They are sending ships to explore Artic. You can guess why; oil and fishiing.
You should also view the interactive graphic where you can see the ice polar retreating for past 5 years. Interactive Graphic: Sea Ice in Retreat.
You should also view the interactive graphic where you can see the ice polar retreating for past 5 years. Interactive Graphic: Sea Ice in Retreat.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Scientists push back origins of Earth's oxygen (Reuters)
I just read an article about scientists pushing back origins of Earth's oxygen.
Did the oxygen actually begin to rise about 2.5 billion years ago? The scientists are finding some evidence from some rocks that the activity occured 50 to 100 million years before the Oxygen Catastrophe (known as the Great Oxidation Event).
For about the first half of the planet's existence, the environment had nearly no oxygen. I am curious to know how the planet acquire the oxygen after the atmosphere started to become thicker. Did part of oxygen get trapped inside the planet during its birth?
Like living things, oxygen and other gases have evolved for billions of years.
Did the oxygen actually begin to rise about 2.5 billion years ago? The scientists are finding some evidence from some rocks that the activity occured 50 to 100 million years before the Oxygen Catastrophe (known as the Great Oxidation Event).
For about the first half of the planet's existence, the environment had nearly no oxygen. I am curious to know how the planet acquire the oxygen after the atmosphere started to become thicker. Did part of oxygen get trapped inside the planet during its birth?
Like living things, oxygen and other gases have evolved for billions of years.

I'm currently reading a book called Lucy : The Beginnings of Humankind. I visited The Leakey Foundation's web site and saw this book in the bookstore. I am always interested in human evolution and I have to admit that australopithecus afro is one of my favorite species. Even though the book was published more than 20 years, I am ambitious in reading this book. When I started to read the book, I can tell that some information are outdated. But, I still feel that ti's worth reading. I am intrigued by the discovery of Lucy and I wanted to learn more about the history of Lucy. It seems that the author did a tremendous job by describing the difference of each species, from apes to humans and how to identify each skull.
The New York Times published an incredible article last year about new hints unveiled by studying Lucy's bones. I'm going to post the link below. This article was printed on September 21, 2006.
Little Girl, 3 Million Years Old, Offers New Hints on Evolution
Saturday, September 29, 2007
NYT : At Climate Meeting, Bush Does Not Specify Goals
As you may know, global warming is not on Bush's top agenda. Recently, he has address the issue of global warming and how real it has become. I am theorizing that he is doing to give a boost to his party. However, he has failed to elaborate his party's goal to combat against global warming. He is more concerned about our country's economy rather than our planet's needs. This is a huge obstacle. Regardless of what party he is, I feel that he should act more on global warming and other issues that should not be neglected.
The New York Times has an article about Bush failing to specify goals. If you wish to read the article, click on the link below.
At Climate Meeting, Bush Does Not Specify Goals
The New York Times has an article about Bush failing to specify goals. If you wish to read the article, click on the link below.
At Climate Meeting, Bush Does Not Specify Goals just posted an article about mammoth hair yielding DNA. We will probably find out what has caused mammoth's extinction. It's matter of time until the researchers find more clues. For years, scientists have tried to obtain DNA from the frozen remains but have been unsuccessful. Mammoth's hair may be the answer but it may take years until we actually know whether the mission has been accomplished.
At one point, the hard covering of hair could protect the DNA. If you wish to keep reading, click on the link below.
Mammoth hair yields DNA, may solve extinction mystery
The image above is from the Rocks and Minerals website.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
October 4, 1957
Almost 50 years ago, something has changed the world dramatically. The launching of Sputnik has stunned many people, especially the Americans who have witnessed or listened to the event. It did make the difference.
Homer H. Hickam, author of "Rocket Boys", has become more famous after the movie "October Sky" was played in theaters. He was awed when he witnessed the orbit of Sputnik floating around Earth.
The space race has started instantly. Even though Russians were first in many things, the United States managed to be the first to send men to the Moon.
What has been done was a great achievement. Hickman and other people have played significant roles in helping our country to become involved with the space program.
I am attaching the link to the New York Times article. Keep reading...
Homer H. Hickam, author of "Rocket Boys", has become more famous after the movie "October Sky" was played in theaters. He was awed when he witnessed the orbit of Sputnik floating around Earth.
The space race has started instantly. Even though Russians were first in many things, the United States managed to be the first to send men to the Moon.
What has been done was a great achievement. Hickman and other people have played significant roles in helping our country to become involved with the space program.
I am attaching the link to the New York Times article. Keep reading...
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The terrifying velociratpor with feathers...
Here's the story. I saw a post in Yahoo News. The scientists are saying that velociraptor had feathers. That didn't surprise me because an idea was mentioned in other articles. The acceptance of the idea has been gaining the ground but we still have a long way to go.
Having features don't necessarily mean that all dinosaurs evolved to birds. However, I do believe that a tiny fraction group of dinosaurs has successfully evolved to birds and have escaped the massive extinction 65 million years ago.
Why did they need feathers? We can say that they need feathers to guard nests, for temperature control, or to help it maneuver while running.
The velociratpor was about three feet tall and weighed about 30 pounds. According to the researchers, it would not have been able to fly, even though it had feathers.
I have always thought that it's really difficult to evolve from one species to another species.
Having features don't necessarily mean that all dinosaurs evolved to birds. However, I do believe that a tiny fraction group of dinosaurs has successfully evolved to birds and have escaped the massive extinction 65 million years ago.
Why did they need feathers? We can say that they need feathers to guard nests, for temperature control, or to help it maneuver while running.
The velociratpor was about three feet tall and weighed about 30 pounds. According to the researchers, it would not have been able to fly, even though it had feathers.
I have always thought that it's really difficult to evolve from one species to another species.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
NYT : Lost in a Million-Year Gap, Solid Clues to Human Origins
Today, I was exuberant when the New York Times printed an article about human origins. The human evolution tree is still far from perfect. However, there are several good theories. Unfortunately, there are not enough fossils discovered and some may be waiting to be discovered.
When I read the publication last month about the new idea of Homo erectus and Homo habilis living together even though they became isolated from each other for many thousand years. I am really curious whether Homo erectus actually left Africa or stayed at another part of Africa before meeting their distant cousins.
Did Homo splitted off from australopithecus? In my own opinion, I would say yes. But, I can't be one hundred percent sure. Recently, I acquired a copy of book called Lucy. I plan on reading this to learn more about australopithecus.
As scientists and paleoanthropologists try to revamp the human evolution map, I can still ponder about some theories they have on the table. This is one of the most exciting fields.
When I read the publication last month about the new idea of Homo erectus and Homo habilis living together even though they became isolated from each other for many thousand years. I am really curious whether Homo erectus actually left Africa or stayed at another part of Africa before meeting their distant cousins.
Did Homo splitted off from australopithecus? In my own opinion, I would say yes. But, I can't be one hundred percent sure. Recently, I acquired a copy of book called Lucy. I plan on reading this to learn more about australopithecus.
As scientists and paleoanthropologists try to revamp the human evolution map, I can still ponder about some theories they have on the table. This is one of the most exciting fields.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
An amazing parrot is at peace
Alex, a 31-year old Africian gray brainy parrot, passed away last week at age 31. I was intrigued when I read an article in the New York Times about brain parrot's achievements that went beyond my expectation. Alex knew more than 100 words and could count and recognize colors and shapes. One last thing that amazed me was that he said to Dr Pepperberg on his final night before his death, "You'll be in tomorrow."
For further reading, click on the link below.
Brainy Parrot Dies, Emotive to the End
For further reading, click on the link below.
Brainy Parrot Dies, Emotive to the End
Saturday, September 8, 2007
NYT : Warming Is Seen as Wiping Out Most Polar Bears

There is an article in the New York Times about global warming is seen as wiping out most Polar Bears. This is very unfortunate. The esimate of current population is 22,000. I have read an article a couple months ago about Polar Bear as the most prized animals for hunters and they are not about to slow down.
At one point, the Polar Bears will have to adapt the new change and try to survive by looking for different kinds of food and atmosphere. I think that they are in gravely dangerous of becoming extinct someday if not much is done to protect them. Global warming is unstoppable but will the Polar Bears adapt to the new lifestyle?
For further reading, click on the link below.
NYT : When the Moon Was a Matter of Pride
The New York Times' Science Section has an article about the documentary film called "In the Shadow of the Moon." In that film, you will find the history of the journey to the Moon. Unfortunately, Neil Armstrong wasn't included in the film. It's due to the fact that he is a very private man.
The amazing thing is that Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, & Mike Collins made an excursion that no human being has done. Even though Mike stayed in the orbit, this was a special event. They were not just representing the United Sates, they were representing the world. Of course, there were several other manned flights to the Moon after Apollo 11's achievement.
I have read the book called First Man, an authorized biography of Neil Armstrong and I enjoyed the book. I would probably enjoy the documentary film despite to Neil Armstrong's absence.
The amazing thing is that Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, & Mike Collins made an excursion that no human being has done. Even though Mike stayed in the orbit, this was a special event. They were not just representing the United Sates, they were representing the world. Of course, there were several other manned flights to the Moon after Apollo 11's achievement.
I have read the book called First Man, an authorized biography of Neil Armstrong and I enjoyed the book. I would probably enjoy the documentary film despite to Neil Armstrong's absence.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Distant space collision meant doom for dinosaurs
I just read an article about the distant space collision meant doom for dinosaurs. I sat back and thought about it for a moment. I seem to like this notion that this kind of collision played the role. I'm keeping my mind open on other hypotheses and theories. It's worth reading.
On other note, I do believe that the asteroid has caused the catastrophe about 65 million years ago. The crash was powerful enough to put Earth in dark for a period of time. My biggest question is how did mammals survive? Did a fraction of plants survive without the sunlight ray? I have thought about the continuous activities of volcanoes that may have allowed the small group of plants at unaffected area to survive.
On other note, I do believe that the asteroid has caused the catastrophe about 65 million years ago. The crash was powerful enough to put Earth in dark for a period of time. My biggest question is how did mammals survive? Did a fraction of plants survive without the sunlight ray? I have thought about the continuous activities of volcanoes that may have allowed the small group of plants at unaffected area to survive.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Zero-G Stresses Immune Organs
I just read an article posted in Yahoo News. The researchers have discovered that Zero-G can stress immune organs. If true, it can be a significant concern, especially when sending humans to Mars. This research could be vital to the decsion making and this research should continue further. There are so many things that we don't fully understand about the space and we are aware of various risks.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Book : The World Without Us
I just bumped into an article in The New York Times. There is a Book Review about a book called 'The World Without Us'. I find this review very interesting. I have thought about it numerous of time. The author's explanation seems very logical. I know that some of you would disagree with me on many areas but I'm going to post my own opinion as I see something plausible.
Life would eventually change after the mankind is nearly or completely wiped out. The destruction of civilization will certainly happen but nobody knows when and how it will happen.
What would happen to Manhattan after the catastrophe? For sure, it would look wholly different. Two days after the incident, the subway tunnels become flooded with water because nobody would be able to regulate the pump system. The skyscrapers would collapse because nobody would do any repair work. The river would occupy Manhattan.
This is not a pleasant thought. However, this book can be a valuable tool for us so that we can try to deal with issues such as the sudden global warming, nuclear crisis, and other areas.
If the mass extinction does happen, everything will start all over again. Our planet would recover with some things left behind by us. The species would become wild again. The carbon dioxide level would become normal again 100,000 years later. If a fraction of Homo sapiens survive, it would be challenging for them to rebuild the civilization but they would struggle for a long time. As the article said, life will go on with or without us. The species will keep evolving gradually based on survival, weather, and competition.
Life would eventually change after the mankind is nearly or completely wiped out. The destruction of civilization will certainly happen but nobody knows when and how it will happen.
What would happen to Manhattan after the catastrophe? For sure, it would look wholly different. Two days after the incident, the subway tunnels become flooded with water because nobody would be able to regulate the pump system. The skyscrapers would collapse because nobody would do any repair work. The river would occupy Manhattan.
This is not a pleasant thought. However, this book can be a valuable tool for us so that we can try to deal with issues such as the sudden global warming, nuclear crisis, and other areas.
If the mass extinction does happen, everything will start all over again. Our planet would recover with some things left behind by us. The species would become wild again. The carbon dioxide level would become normal again 100,000 years later. If a fraction of Homo sapiens survive, it would be challenging for them to rebuild the civilization but they would struggle for a long time. As the article said, life will go on with or without us. The species will keep evolving gradually based on survival, weather, and competition.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Protect my beloved Lucy!
Lucy is set to be on the public display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Ethiopia has agreed to lend Lucy to the United States for 6 years so that Lucy can go on an 11-city tour.
Lucy is an australopithecus that lived 3.2 million years ago. She had longer arms than us. That species has become extinct after Homo species emerged.
I agree with some scientists that Lucy's remains are too fragile to go on a tour. It's so rare to have fossils like australopithecus and other early hominids that are closely related to us, chimpanzees, and other apes. They should be preserved at one location so that they can be analyzed by researchers coming from different backgrounds such as paleoanthropologist, evolutionary biologists, etc.
Lucy is one of my favorite species.
For further reading, click on the link below.
Texas museum to show Lucy fossil amid criticism
Lucy is an australopithecus that lived 3.2 million years ago. She had longer arms than us. That species has become extinct after Homo species emerged.
I agree with some scientists that Lucy's remains are too fragile to go on a tour. It's so rare to have fossils like australopithecus and other early hominids that are closely related to us, chimpanzees, and other apes. They should be preserved at one location so that they can be analyzed by researchers coming from different backgrounds such as paleoanthropologist, evolutionary biologists, etc.
Lucy is one of my favorite species.
For further reading, click on the link below.
Texas museum to show Lucy fossil amid criticism
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
What are ancient bacteria capable of?
I just read an article about ancient bacteria surviving nearly a million years in harsh, frozen conditions. The arguments have suggested that Mars could have some sort of life. Unlike us, they can stay alive in a very long run. If it can survive for a long time on our planet, there is a probability that it could survive on Mars. The bacteria survived by eating nutrients like nitrogen and phosphate that are found in the permafrost. Do the bacteria enjoy living in the environment that is much colder with more stable temperatures like Mars? For further reading, click on the link below.
Ancient bacteria could point to life on Mars: study
Ancient bacteria could point to life on Mars: study
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Salute to Ray Bradbury
I have read one book written by Ray Bradbury many years ago. Also, I probably read a few short stories as well. I just read a fascinating article in The New York Times about Ray Bradbury's current lifestyle. As you may know, he was one of the most respected science fiction writer during his early time. I think I will add Fahrenheit 451 to my reading list. I am amazed that a stroke in 1999 didn't stop him from writing. Of course, he got a generous daughter who helped him to complete his projects. For further reading, click on the link below.
Vintage Bradbury, Packaged Anew
Vintage Bradbury, Packaged Anew
A marvelous photo of a fossil fish

Above is an image of Priscacara, a fossil fish. It was well preserved. I really love this image so I decided to include it in my post. I got it from a website.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Life on Mars? I'm Doubtful for now.
I doubt that there is any life on Mars, even microbes. Mars has a very thin atmosphere. I don't think that this can support life at any form. NASA's Phoenix lander will arrive Mars this coming May. If the robotic digger doesn't malfunction and lands safely then it will be able to do many fascinating things. It could analyze the soil and the bacteria. If it discovers any microbial life then it would become a huge headline. It will eventually change my opinion at one point. However, I know that it has failed to advance beyond its own level.
For further reading, click on the link below.
Claim of Martian Life Called 'Bogus'
For further reading, click on the link below.
Claim of Martian Life Called 'Bogus'
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Obituary : Ralph Alpher, 86, Expert in Work on the Big Bang, Dies
Last night, I read an obituary article in the New York Times about a physicist who supported the Bang Bang theory for the origin of the universe. Ralph Alpher passed away last Sunday in Austin, Texas. He was 86. His early calculations and theoretical predictions were largely ignored until two radio astronomers accidentally detected the hiss of background radiation in 1964. Unfortunately, Mr. Alpher was never awarded a Nobel Prize for his work. For further reading, click on the link below.
Ralph Alpher, 86, Expert in Work on the Big Bang, Dies
Ralph Alpher, 86, Expert in Work on the Big Bang, Dies
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Chasing Kangaroos
Last night, I read the New York Times article about a zoologist studying kangaroos. All so sudden, I become fascinated. As you know, kangaroos can be found in Australia. It's one of the most extraordinary species. Some 70 species make up the kangaroo family, which includes wallabies and rat kangaroos. The way kangaroo family evolved from another species is mysterious. I assume that one species migrated to Australia before the continental broke off from another. After the species became isolated, it evolved to kangaroos based on the climate, geography, and survival.
No need to fear, rat kangaroos and giant kangaroos have become extinct a long time ago. I'd love to see some kangaroos one day.
I'll add this book to my future reading list.
For further reading, click on the link below.
A Zoologist With a Pouch of Stories
No need to fear, rat kangaroos and giant kangaroos have become extinct a long time ago. I'd love to see some kangaroos one day.
I'll add this book to my future reading list.
For further reading, click on the link below.
A Zoologist With a Pouch of Stories
Friday, August 17, 2007
A comet-like giant red star
I just read the New York Times article in the Science Section about a giant red star, Mira, zooming through the Milky Way galaxy 300 times faster than a speed bullet.
It's possible that hot gas in the core was heating gas blowing off the star, causing it to fluoresce with ultraviolet light. This could have caused the glowing material swirling around behind the star.
When our sun turns into the giant red star in about 4 to 5 billion years from now, what will it be like? Nobody knows and nobody will be able to forecast our sun's future. We wll be long gone by then.
Soon, I'll post an essay on a different topic. Stay tuned.
It's possible that hot gas in the core was heating gas blowing off the star, causing it to fluoresce with ultraviolet light. This could have caused the glowing material swirling around behind the star.
When our sun turns into the giant red star in about 4 to 5 billion years from now, what will it be like? Nobody knows and nobody will be able to forecast our sun's future. We wll be long gone by then.
Soon, I'll post an essay on a different topic. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Hot Gas in Space Mimics Life
I just read an article about the new computer simulations shwoing the dancing dust particles "alive". In general, they are yet considered as life. The life is defined as the ability to metabolize and reproduce. This definition may make sense to you.
I have copied a paragraph so you can read a summary about plasma.
'Plasma is the fourth state of matter along with solids, liquids and gases. While unfamiliar to most people, plasma is the most common phase of matter in the universe. It's everywhere: Stars are luminous balls of plasma, and diffuse plasma pervades the space between stars. Plasma forms when gas becomes so hot that electrons are stripped from atomic nuclei, leaving behind a soup of charged particles.'
We should be see some future articles published about plasma in the future. The scientists will eventually understand this field better and reshape some theories.
For further reading, click on the link below.
Hot Gas in Space Mimics Life
I have copied a paragraph so you can read a summary about plasma.
'Plasma is the fourth state of matter along with solids, liquids and gases. While unfamiliar to most people, plasma is the most common phase of matter in the universe. It's everywhere: Stars are luminous balls of plasma, and diffuse plasma pervades the space between stars. Plasma forms when gas becomes so hot that electrons are stripped from atomic nuclei, leaving behind a soup of charged particles.'
We should be see some future articles published about plasma in the future. The scientists will eventually understand this field better and reshape some theories.
For further reading, click on the link below.
Hot Gas in Space Mimics Life
Monday, August 13, 2007
My biography
Before I go any further, I'd like to tell you a bit about myself. My name is Andrew Kopec. I was born with Usher Syndrome. I was educated in New York School for the Deaf. I graduated from Gallaudet University in 1996. My interest in science has flourished in last few years. Sure, I have been interested in science for years. Lately, I have become very inquisitive in this subject.
Evolutionary biology is my favorite topic. I do believe in evolution. I understood a little about this field for a long time until I started to pick up books written by various authors. My knowledge has expanded like the expanding universe but I am not an expert yet. I'm literally delighted that I am picking up many interesting ideas that I have been missing.
There are other subjects that I enjoy such as astronomy, geology, history, politics, baseball, and traveling.
I will start to post various topic of sciene that I am interested. On some posts, I'll include my ideas and my essays. I will definitely write what I actually understand.
Why did I name my blog, "The Naked Galaxy"? I got the idea from one of my favorite science fiction book called "The Naked Sun" by Isaac Asimov.
Stay tuned!
Evolutionary biology is my favorite topic. I do believe in evolution. I understood a little about this field for a long time until I started to pick up books written by various authors. My knowledge has expanded like the expanding universe but I am not an expert yet. I'm literally delighted that I am picking up many interesting ideas that I have been missing.
There are other subjects that I enjoy such as astronomy, geology, history, politics, baseball, and traveling.
I will start to post various topic of sciene that I am interested. On some posts, I'll include my ideas and my essays. I will definitely write what I actually understand.
Why did I name my blog, "The Naked Galaxy"? I got the idea from one of my favorite science fiction book called "The Naked Sun" by Isaac Asimov.
Stay tuned!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Fossils challenge old evoluton theory
A couple days ago, I read an article about a research team challenging old evolution theory. According to them, Homo habilis and Homo erectus lived at the time, side by side, in Kenya. They may not have mated each other. Homo habilis was likely more vegeterian while Homo erectus, ate some meat. If that's true, the family tree will be revamped.
I am fully aware that the human evolution map is still not accurate. We still have more fossils to study and some more fossils will eventually be discovered in the future.
Meanwhile, the theory will continue to flourish and become more accurate. Time will tell.
For further reading, click on the links below.
New York Times : Fossils in Kenya Challenge Linear Evolution
Yahoo News : Fossils challenge old evoluton theory
I am fully aware that the human evolution map is still not accurate. We still have more fossils to study and some more fossils will eventually be discovered in the future.
Meanwhile, the theory will continue to flourish and become more accurate. Time will tell.
For further reading, click on the links below.
New York Times : Fossils in Kenya Challenge Linear Evolution
Yahoo News : Fossils challenge old evoluton theory
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